Fehlermeldungen und Lösungen

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Hilfe Nummer: 8999500

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste der Fehlermeldungen im Meldungsfenster und grundlegende Lösungen für diese angezeigten Fehler.

Meldung Nr. Titel Ort der Nachricht Lösung
12289.0 Ungültige ganze Zahl. Nicht verwendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Zeichenreihe, sie kann nicht als ganze Zahl gelesen werden.
12290.0 Ungültige reelle Zahl. Nicht verwendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Zeichenreihe, ein gleitender Wert kann nicht gelesen werden.
12291.0 Unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das Asprova Support Center (info2003@asprova.com) \ n oder Ihren lokalen Händler. Befehl Exportieren Da ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten ist, möchten wir individuell auf diesen Fehler reagieren. Kontaktieren Sie bitte wie in der Mitteilung beschrieben Ihren lokalen Händler oder Ihr Asprova Support-Center.
12292.0 Die Funktion Verkaufsauftrag ist nicht aktiv. Alle Verkaufsaufträge werden ignoriert. Vergeben/anhängen von Bestellbefehlen, Befehlen zur Teilung von Aufträgen, etc. Wenn diese Meldung erscheint, obwohl Sie eine Lizenz besitzen, kann Forlgendes der Grund sein.
1) Der Schutz, für die die Lizenz registriert ist, ist nicht angebracht. -> Bitte fügen Sie den Schutz an und öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] im Hauptmenü wählen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK.
2) Eine Magic Number ist nicht im Schutz registriert. -> Bitte öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie indem Sie im Hauptmenü [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] wählen. Geben Sie die Magic Number ein.
3) Der Schutz ist defekt. -> Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12293.0 Fehler bei Erstellung eines Ordners <%1> für Ar 3 / Ar 4 Backup-Dateien. Backup-Dateien werden wie im Projektpfad angegeben platziert. Anordnen von Befehlen Folgende Gründe sind möglich.
1) Der in den Eigenschaften spezifizierte Pfad "" Backup Ar3 / Ar4 Ordnerpfad "" der Klasse des Arbeitsbereichs ist eine ungültige Zeichenkette.
2) Der Nutzer hat keinen Benutzerrechte.
12294.0 Existierende inoffizielle Aufträge werden ignoriert, da die Lizenz die Option für inoffizielle Aufträge nicht beinhaltet. Befehl für die Teilung von Aufträgen Wenn diese Meldung erscheint, obwohl Sie eine Lizenz besitzen, kann Forlgendes der Grund sein.
1) Der Schutz, für die die Lizenz registriert ist, ist nicht angebracht. -> Bitte fügen Sie den Schutz an und öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] im Hauptmenü wählen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK.
2) Eine Magic Number ist nicht im Schutz registriert. -> Bitte öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie indem Sie im Hauptmenü [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] wählen. Geben Sie die Magic Number ein.
3) Der Schutz ist defekt. -> Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12295.0 Existierende inoffizielle Einkaufsaufträge werden ignoriert, da die Lizenz die Option für Einkaufsaufträge nicht beinhaltet. Vergeben/anhängen von Bestellbefehlen, Befehlen zur Teilung von Aufträgen, etc. Wenn diese Meldung erscheint, obwohl Sie eine Lizenz besitzen, kann Forlgendes der Grund sein.
1) Der Schutz, für die die Lizenz registriert ist, ist nicht angebracht. -> Bitte fügen Sie den Schutz an und öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] im Hauptmenü wählen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK.
2) Eine Magic Number ist nicht im Schutz registriert. -> Bitte öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie indem Sie im Hauptmenü [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] wählen. Geben Sie die Magic Number ein.
3) Der Schutz ist defekt. -> Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12296.0 Eigenschaftsdefinition< %2 >, spezifiziert in den möglichen nutzerbedingten Eigenschaften für die Definition der Klasse, existiert nicht. Während der Ausführung der Field-Mapping-Ansicht, unmittelbar nach dem Ändern des Wertes der Eigenschaft "Betriebsmodus" der Klasse des Arbeitsbereichs. Doppelklicken Sie auf diese Nachricht, um die Liste der Objekte der Klassendefinition anzuzeigen und überprüfen Sie bitte, ob der Name der Eigenschaftsdefinition in der Eigenschaft "Benutzerdefinierte nutzbare Eigenschaften" richtig angegeben ist.
12297.0 While saving data, found object (Code:<  %1 > Owner:< %2 >) for which class definition is not specified. \nWill continue to save this data. However, please do not use this data but the backup data you saved the last time. \nAlso, please inform the distributor or Asprova Corporation's help desk (info2003@asprova.com) of \n\nthe version of Asprova, \nand condition under which the error occurred, \nand send this data. Anordnen von Befehlen Ein unerwarteter Fehler tritt in den Daten auf. Bitte beenden Sie die Arbeit mit diesen Daten und verwenden Sie die zuletzt erstellte Sicherungsdatei. Wenn der Prozess für das Auftreten dieses Phänomens von den normalen Daten bekannt sein sollte, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren lokalen Distributor oder das Asprova Support-Center und informieren Sie uns, wie dieses Phänomen reproduziert wird.
12298.0 Es konnten keine Informationen zu internen Funktionen von der Ressourcen-Datei geladen werden. Beim Erstellen eines neuen Projekts, beim Laden einer Ar 3 / Ar 4-Datei Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12299.0 Existierende Ereignisaufträge werden ignoriert, da die Lizenz die Option für Ereignisaufträge nicht beinhaltet. Vergeben/anhängen von Bestellbefehlen, Befehlen zur Teilung von Aufträgen, etc. Wenn diese Meldung erscheint, obwohl Sie eine Lizenz besitzen, kann Forlgendes der Grund sein.
1) Der Schutz, für die die Lizenz registriert ist, ist nicht angebracht. -> Bitte fügen Sie den Schutz an und öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] im Hauptmenü wählen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK.
2) Eine Magic Number ist nicht im Schutz registriert. -> Bitte öffnen Sie den Dialog für Informationen zur Benutzerregistrierung, indem Sie indem Sie im Hauptmenü [Hilfe] - [Benutzerregistrierung ...] wählen. Geben Sie die Magic Number ein.
3) Der Schutz ist defekt. -> Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12300.0 Fehler beim Import der XML-Datei< %1 >. Beim Import einer XML-Datei Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Der Benutzer verfügt nicht über eine Lizenz für Ver.3.0.0 oder höher. -> Die XML-Datei-Import-Funktion erfordert eine Lizenz für Ver.3.0.0 oder höher. Bitte schließen Sie einen Wartungsvertrages ab.
2) Es ist ein schwerwiegender Fehler in der Syntax der importierten XML-Datei vorhanden. -> Bitte ändern Sie die XML-Syntax.
3) Wenn Objekte, zu denen die Daten importiert werden sollen nciht gefunden werden konnte. (Beschreibungsfehler in <XMLAlias>) -> Bitte beschreiben Sie eine korrekte XMLAlias.
4) Wenn die in der XML-Datei beschriebenen Eigenschaften nicht gefunden werden. -> Bitte beschreiben Sie die Namen der Objekte in der XML-Datei richtig.
12301.0 Fehler beim Export der XML-Datei< %1 >. Beim Export einer XML-Datei Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Der Benutzer verfügt nicht über eine Lizenz für Ver.3.0.0 oder höher. -> Die XML-Datei-Import-Funktion erfordert eine Lizenz für Ver.3.0.0 oder höher. Bitte schließen Sie einen Wartungsvertrages ab.
2) Das Verfahren zum Codieren entspricht nicht der Definition der Ländereinstellungen. -> Bitte geben Sie die Eigenschaft "Codierung" der Arbeitsbereichsklasse korrekt an.
3) Wenn ein unerwarteter Fehler auftritt. -> Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12302.0 Der Namen der Eigenschaftsdefinition existiert bereits. Bitte löschen Sie einen von ihnen, oder definieren Sie einen anderen Namen. Beim Erstellen eines neuen Projekts, beim Laden einer Ar 3 / Ar 4-Datei Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12303.0 Der Namen der Klassendefinition existiert bereits. Bitte löschen Sie einen von ihnen, oder definieren Sie einen anderen Namen. Beim Erstellen eines neuen Projekts, beim Laden einer Ar 3 / Ar 4-Datei Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12304.0 Es wurden %1 Objekt(e) mit einer doppelten Objekt-ID gefunden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center. X Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12305.0 Es wurden %1 Objekt(e) mit einer nicht näher bezeichneten Klassendefinition gefunden. Beim Erstellen eines neuen Projekts, beim Laden einer Ar 3 / Ar 4-Datei Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12306.0 Es wurden %1 Objekt(e) mit einer nicht näher bezeichneten Objekt ID gefunden. Beim Erstellen eines neuen Projekts, beim Laden einer Ar 3 / Ar 4-Datei Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Händler vor Ort oder das Asprova Support-Center.
12307.0 Fehler beim Export der XML-Datei <%1>. Beim Export einer XML-Datei Das Verfahren zum Codieren entspricht nicht der Definition der Ländereinstellungen. Bitte geben Sie die Eigenschaft "Codierung" der Arbeitsbereichsklasse korrekt an.
12545.0 Artikel< %1 >: keine Stammdaten gefunden. Befehl zur Teilung von Aufträgen Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Ein Artikel oder ein Artikel für die Teilung eines Auftrags ist für den Auftrag nicht spezifiziert. -> Bitte spezifizieren Sie einen anderen Artikel oder legen Sie Stammdaten an.
2) Obwohl der Artikel registriert ist, existieren keine Stammdaten für diesen Artikel. -> Bitte spezifizieren Sie einen anderen Artikel oder legen Sie Stammdaten an. Wenn die Teilung des Auftrags scheitert und diese Meldung angezeigt wird, wird der Auftrag als ungültig markiert. Wenn Sie die Stammdaten jedoch korrigieren und den Befehl zu Teilung des Auftrags ausführen, wird die Nichtgültigkeit aufgehoben.
12546.0 Hauptvorgange< %1 >: Endlosschleife erkannt. Üngültigkeit festgesetzt. Befehl zur Teilung von Aufträgen Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Es treten Input- und Output-Anweisungen für den selben Artikel in den gleichen Stammdaten auf.
2) Werden die Input-Anweisungen verfolgt, ergibt sich aus den Stammdaten eine Endlosschleifen in der Artikel-Tabelle -> Bitte ändern Sie die Stammdaten, um das Auftreten der Endlosschleife zu beseitigen. .
12547.0 Input-Anweisung< %1 >: Endlosschleife erkannt. Üngültigkeit festgesetzt. Befehl zur Teilung von Aufträgen Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Es treten Input- und Output-Anweisungen für den selben Artikel in den gleichen Stammdaten auf.
2) Werden die Input-Anweisungen verfolgt, ergibt sich aus den Stammdaten eine Endlosschleifen in der Artikel-Tabelle -> Bitte ändern Sie die Stammdaten, um das Auftreten der Endlosschleife zu beseitigen. .
12548.0 Input-Anweisung< %1 >: Artikel ist unbestimt oder ungültig. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Ein Input-Artikel ist in der Teiltabelle nicht angegeben. -> Bitte geben Sie den korrekten Input-Artikel an.
2) Ein Artikel, der in der Artikel-Tabelle nicht existiert, ist in der Teile-Tabelle spezifiziert. -> Bitte laden Sie die Daten erneut, nachdem Sie den Artikel zur Artikel-Tablle hinzugefügt haben oder spezifizieren Sie eine automatische Generierung des Artikels in der Artikel-Tabelle.
12549.0 Vorgang< %1 > - Artikel< %2 >: Keine gültige Stückliste gefunden. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Bitte fügen Sie den Stücklisteneintrag entsprechend des Vorgangs an und laden Sie die Daten erneut.
12550.0 Stammnutzungsanweisung %1 gefunden (Version 9 Ressourcenkapazitäts-Datensätze) mit ungültigen Artikeln. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Die folgenden Gründe sind möglich.
1) Ein Artikel ist in der Ressourcenkapazitäts-Tabelle nicht definiert. -> Bitte spezifizieren Sie den Artikel korrekt.
2) Ein Artikel, der in der Artikel-Tabelle nicht existiert, ist in der Ressourcenkapazitäts-Tabelle spezifiziert. -> Bitte laden Sie die Daten erneut, nachdem Sie den Artikel zur Ressourcenkapazitäts-Tabelle hinzugefügt haben oder spezifizieren Sie eine automatische Generierung des Artikels in Ressourcenkapazitäts-Tabelle.
12551.0 Gruppenobjekte sind in diesem Feld nicht erlaubt ist. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Ein Artikelgruppe ist als Input-Artikel in der Teiltabelle angegeben. Bitte geben Sie einen korrekten Artikel an. Soll der Artikel kein Gruppenartikel sein, spezifizieren Sie ihn nicht als solchen, und laden Sie dann die Daten erneut.
12552.0 Es wurde(n) %1 Vorgang(gänge) ohne Auftrag gefunden. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Ein Auftrag, der in der Vorgangs-Tabelle spezifiziert wurde, ist in der Auftrags-Tabelle nicht existent. Wenn der Auftrag vorhanden sein sollte, fügen Sie diesen Auftrag zu der Auftrags-Tabelle hinzu. Wenn der Vorgang nicht existieren soll, löschen Sie diesen bitte und laden Sie die Daten erneut.
12553.0 Eine Ressource, spezifiziert in der Ergebnis-Inforamtion, existiert nicht. Nicht verwendet.
12554.0 Ein Prozess, spezifiziert in der Ergebnis-Inforamtion, existiert nicht. Nicht verwendet.
12555.0 Vorgangs-Code < %1 >: Es wurden mehrere Vorgänge mit einem übereinstimmenden Code gefunden. Code wird geändert. Nicht verwendet.
12556.0 Auftrag oder Prozess < %1 >, spezifiziert im nächsten Feld der Zeitbeschränkungsart, existiert nicht. Befehl zur Teilung von Aufträgen, beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Bitte geben Sie den Auftrag oder Prozess, der für die nächsten Auftrags-Beschränkungen spezifiziert ist korrekt an. Wenn Sie einen Prozess spezifizieren, seperieren Sie bitte den Auftrags-Code und Prozess-Code, indem Sie ein Komma einsetzen (",").
12557.0 Ressource < %1 >, spezifiziert im Zeit-Puffer, existiert nicht. Nicht verwendet.
12558.0 Es wurden %1 Vorgang(gänge) mit falschen Zuordnungsinformationen gefunden. Entweder ist die Zuordnungsinformationen falsch, oder die Stammdaten wurde geändert. Beim Import von Daten der Version 9 Please modify the property "Assigned Resource Information" in the job table or correct the master data and then reload the data.
12559.0 Es wurde eine Endlosschleife im nächste Feld der Auftrags-Beschränkungen gefunden. Nicht verwendet.
12560.0 Vorgang< %1 >: Zuordnung fehlgeschlagen. Assign purchase orders command, Assign sales orders command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in the working time.
2) While inventory constraints are specified, the constraints cannot be satisfied.
3) While the property "Strictly enforce next resource constraints" is set to "Yes", the constraints cannot be satisfied.
4) While the time constraint MAX is specified, the constraint cannot be satisfied.
5) While a resource lock is specified, the constraint cannot be satisfied.
Please remove the cause and reschedule.
12561.0 Found %1 Ver.9 inventory record(s) with invalid type. Not used.
12562.0 Not used.
12563.0 Not used.
12564.0 Not used.
12565.0 Item< %1 >: Automatically set lot sizing information to 1. Not used.
12566.0 Item group< %1 >: Unable to use as finished item. While operating GUI Please specify an item that is not a group.
12567.0 Found %1 order record(s) with invalid quantity. Explode orders command You cannot specify a number smaller than zero for a manufacturing order. Please specify a number greater than zero.
12568.0 Calendar< %1 >: Shift< %2 > doesn't exist. While building working times immediately after editing shift patterns in the shift table, resources/shifts in the calendar table, resource groups in the resource table; While building working times when loading an Ar3/Ar4 file Please add the shift to the shift table or modify the shift code in the calendar table.
12569.0 Found %1 Ver.9 parts table record(s) with invalid process. While importing Ver.9 data The following reasons are possible.
1) The input item is not specified in the parts table. -> Please specify correctly.
2) A process that does not exist in the process table is specified in the parts table. -> Please add the process to the process table and reload the data.
3) The process code is specified incorrectly in the parts table. -> Please modify the process code and reload the data.
12570.0 Not used.
12571.0 Order< %1 >: Order explosion failed. Order disabled. Explode orders command The following reasons are possible.
1) An item for which master data exists is not specified in the "Item" or "Item for order explosion" field in the order table. -> Please specify the item correctly.
2) Although a process selector is used, it does not satisfy any process selector valid condition. -> Please specify the condition to return a positive value.
12572.0 Operation< %1 >: Appropriate master operation not found. Set to invalid. While importing Ver.9 data The following reasons are possible.
1) The process code is not specified correctly in the job table.
2) The process code in the job table does not exist in the process table.
3) A BOM record that uses the process code in the job table does not exist.
-> Please modify each master data and reload the data.
12573.0 Order< %1 >: Version not specified. Specify version to use Asprova Ver.9's Simple Version feature. While rescheduling Ver.9 data When you use a simple version, you always need to specify the version in the order. Please specify the version and reload the data.
12574.0 Operation< %1 >: Assignment failed. Assigning to Dummy resource. Not used.
12575.0 Not used.
12576.0 Found %1 integrated master object(s) with invalid or unspecified instruction type. Will ignore these objects. Import command Please correctly specify the instruction type of the external integrated master table and import the integrated master table again.
12577.0 Not used.
12578.0 Not used.
12579.0 Found %1 order(s) with invalid LET. While exploding orders Occurs when Asprova detects an unofficial order for which the LET is not specified. Please specify the LET and explode orders again.
12580.0 Found %1 order(s) with looping Next Order network. The settings will be ignored Import command, Immediately after editing the property "Next orders" in GUI A loop occurs in the order due to next order constraints. Please respecify the next order constraints so that the loop will not occur.
12581.0 Not used.
12582.0 Failed to assign %1 operation(s) with frozen or greater status. Assign privileged operations command This message is output when assignment of operations failed for reasons such as reported main resources did not exist when assigning operations of which the status if "Frozen", "Started", or "Completed". Please modify the data and reschedule.
12583.0 Found %1 integrated master object(s) with unspecified process number. Will automatically set the process number to 0. Import command The "Process number" field of the Integrated Master Editor is mandatory. Please specify the process numbers correctly and import the data again.
12584.0 Found %1 integrated master object(s) with unspecified final item or not existing in the item table. Will ignore these objects. Import command The "Final item " field of the Integrated Master Editor is mandatory. Please specify the process numbers correctly and import the data again.
12585.0 Found %1 operation(s) with unspecified output item or not existing in the item table. While importing Ver.9 data Please delete the operation(s) from the operation table or add item records and BOM records corresponding to the output item of the operation(s) and reload the data.
12586.0 Found %1 operation(s)/task(s) with reported start time and reported end time reversed. Assign privileged operations command Please specify the reported start time and reported end time correctly or delete one of the values and reschedule.
12587.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the scheduling basis time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the scheduling basis time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12588.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the scheduling start time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the scheduling start time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12589.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the scheduling end time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the scheduling end time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12590.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the frozen period end time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the frozen period end time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12591.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the instruction output period end time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the instruction output period end time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12592.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the detailed period end time. Not used.
12593.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the display start time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the display start time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12594.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the display end time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the display end time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12595.0 There is an error in the specification < %1 > of the inventory freeze time. While loading a project, etc. Please specify the inventory freeze time of the project class correctly. When you specify an absolute time, please make sure to enclose the time with "#" marks.
12596.0 Input item is insufficient. Will assign to dummy resource. Assign manufacturing orders command, Assign/peg orders command Please add orders from which to output the insufficient item or set the auto-replenish flag to the insufficient item to auto-replenish the insufficient quantity. Then orders will be assigned to normal resources.
12597.0 An unexpected error occurred during master data conversion. Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center. While automatically converting master data Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12598.0 A loop was detected in the master data. Please reconvert after removing the loop. While automatically converting master data You cannot convert master data that loops. Please modify the parts table to avoid the loop from happening externally and reload the data.
12599.0 Found %1 orders in which pegging between orders results in a loop. Please modify data settings so that no loops occur due to next order constraints or items' low level codes. Assign manufacturing orders command, Assign/peg orders command Please modify the settings of the property "Next orders" of the order so that no loops occur.
12600.0 Found %1 master input instructions with syntax error in production qty formula. Will calculate by internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the production quantity formula of the master input instructions. Please specify a correct formula that returns a float value.
12601.0 Found %1 master input instructions with syntax error in input qty formula. Will calculate by internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the input qty formula of the master input instructions. Please specify a correct formula that returns a float value.
12602.0 Found %1 master output instructions with syntax error in production qty formula. Will calculate by internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the production qty formula of the master output instructions. Please specify a correct formula that returns a float value.
12603.0 Found %1 master output instructions with syntax error in output qty formula. Will calculate by internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the output qty formula of the master output instructions. Please specify a correct formula that returns a float value.
12604.0 Found %1 items in which process selector and master operation mix in the same hierarchy. Will not explode orders using this item. Explode orders command In the Integrated Master window, there should be rows of which the Process selector column is shown in yellow. When you use process selectors, each instruction should belong to one of the selectors. Please specify the data in that way.
12605.0 Found %1 items that did not peg because of a loop in the master data. Explode orders command Please remove the loop in the master data. Please check whether there are no errors in the item settings of the master input instructions and master output instructions of the Integrated Master.
12606.0 Found %1 orders for which explosion failed due to pegging problem. The problem exists in the master data used by these orders for order explosion. Not used.
12607.0 Found %1 items with description error in Shipping lead time / Purchase lead time. Will treat as 6h. Assign/peg orders command, Assign sales orders command, Assign purchase orders command Please specify expressions that return positive time values for the properties "Shipping lead time" and "Purchase lead time" of the item table.
12608.0 Found %1 order(s) of which all of the operations had not been unassigned during order explosion. Explode orders command Please set the Unassign all command to an appropriate position in the command structure of the scheduling parameter so that all of the operations of the target order(s) will be unassigned before the Explode orders command is executed.
12609.0 Found %1 operation(s) that could not be assigned because neither User specified EST nor User specified LET had not been specified when tried to assign during import. Import command You need to specify either User specified EST or User specified LET when you use the import assign feature. Please specify time for User specified EST or User specified LET in the external operation table and import the data again.
12610.0 Found %1 inventory orders that could not be assigned. Please check whether LET and quantity are specified. Explode orders command In the order table, please check whether LET and quantity are specified for the inventory orders.
12611.0 Found %1 instruction(s) with invalid description in the required quantity. Will regard the required quantity as 1. Explode orders command In the Integrated Master Editor, there is an error in the strings specified in the "Setup", "Production", and "Teardown" fields of the master input instructions and master output instructions (referred to as "input-output ratio"). Please specify correct expressions that return numeric type values.
12612.0 Found %1 input instruction(s) with which overflow occurred during evaluation of input qty formula. Will calculate using internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the input qty formula of the master input instructions. Please make sure that values are specified for all the properties and the denominator will not be zero.
12613.0 Found %1 input instruction(s) with which overflow occurred during evaluation of production quantity formula. Will calculate using internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the production quantity formula of the master input instructions. Please make sure that values are specified for all the properties and the denominator will not be zero.
12614.0 Found %1 output instruction(s) with which overflow occurred during evaluation of output quantity formula. Will calculate using internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the output quantity formula of the master output instruction(s). Please make sure that values are specified for all the properties and the denominator will not be zero.
12615.0 Found %1 output instruction(s) with which overflow occurred during evaluation of production quantity formula. Will calculate using internal formula. Explode orders command A calculation error occurs in the production quantity formula of the master output instruction(s). Please make sure that values are specified for all the properties and the denominator will not be zero.
12616.0 There is no assignable time period. Assign manufacturing orders command, Assign/peg orders command 1) Check the calendar table and shift table and modify any errors in working times.
2) If there is an error in capacity values in the Integrated Master because of which production times are too long, please modify the values.
3) If small values are incorrectly specified for production factors in the scheduling parameter, resource table, master use instructions, and order table because of which production times are too long, please modify the values.
4) If there is an error in the settings of the setup suspend time MAX and production suspend time MAX of the resource class, please modify the settings.
12617.0 < %1 >: Failed to meet split parallel number conditions. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid due to the settings of the split parallel number.
12618.0 < %1 >: Failed to meet conditions such as spec, num spec, and valid condition Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid due to spec or num spec constraints.
12619.0 < %1 >: Not priority resource(s). Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The property "Resource selection method" of the scheduling parameter is set to "Priority resource" and there are other resources of which the priority is higher than this resource.
12620.0 < %1 >: Failed to meet conditions of use instruction master. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid due to the valid condition specified for the use instruction.
12621.0 < %1 >: Not reserved resource(s). Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid because there are other reserved resource(s).
12622.0 < %1 >: Violate(s) next resource constraints. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid due to next resource constraints.
12623.0 < %1 >: Failed to meet conditions. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The task selector is invalid due to the task selector valid condition.
12624.0 < %1 >: There are no candidate resources. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") There are no candidate resources and the task selector is invalid.
12625.0 < %1 >: Not reserved selector(s). Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") There are other reserved selector(s) and the task selector is invalid.
12626.0 The cause of the error is unknown. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") The candidate resource is invalid but the cause of is unknown. Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12627.0 No valid candidate found. Assigning to Dummy resource. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") Since there is no valid candidate resources, the operation will be assigned to a dummy resource. Please check the master data.
12628.0 No assignable time period found. Assigning to non-assignment period. Assign/peg orders command (while the property "Assignment message level" of the project settings is set to "Detailed") Since there is no assignable time period, the operation could not be assigned. The operation will be assigned to a non-assignment period. Please check the master data and working time of candidate resources.
12801.0 Class< %1 > - Property< %2 >: Specified object < %3 > doesn't exist. Import command An object that doesn't exist in the table is referred to. Please add the object in the corresponding external table or set the property "Auto-generate object" of the corresponding field to "Yes" in the field mapping window and import the data again.
12802.0 Binary file saving failed. \nPlease contact your local distributor or Asprova support center with the following files. \n\n File immediately before saving:\n < %1 > \n Partially saved file:\n < %2 > While loading a project Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12803.0 Binary file loading failed. \nPlease contact your local distributor or Asprova support center. While loading a project Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12804.0 Unable to get field information for table < %1 >. Please check connect string, table name, and so on. Import command, Export command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is an error in the "Folder/database" field of the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog. Account privileges and password may also be causes of the error.
2) There is an error in tables in the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog.. * You cannot link a table with the name of "Order". Please use other string such as "Orders".
12805.0 Not used.
12806.0 Not used.
12807.0 Failed to open OLE DB. Import command, Export command Failed to open tables in the database.
1) Please check whether there is no error in the "Folder/database" field of the data I/O settings table. Account privileges and password may also be causes of the error.
2) Please check whether there is no error in tables in the data I/O settings table.
12808.0 Table < %1 > - Line < %2 > - Record < %3 >: Unable to add. Export command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges.
2) The data is exported as "Newly added" from Asprova in differential mode but the same object exists in the external table. Or, there is an error in the settings of the primary key in the data source.
3) The property type in Asprova and the field type in the external table do not match.
4) The data is tried to be written overflowing the field size. -> Please increase the field size.
12809.0 Table < %1 > - Line < %2 > - Record < %3 >: Unable to delete. Export command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges.
2) The data is exported as "Deleted" from Asprova in differential mode but the same object does not exist in the external table. Or, there is an error in the settings of the primary key in the data source.
3) The property type in Asprova and the field type in the external table do not match.
4) The data is tried to be written overflowing the field size. -> Please increase the field size.
12810.0 Table < %1 > - Line < %2 > - Record < %3 >: Unable to update. Export command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges.
2) The data is exported as "Modified" from Asprova in differential mode but the same object does not exist in the external table. Or, there is an error in the settings of the primary key in the data source.
3) The property type in Asprova and the field type in the external table do not match.
4) The data is tried to be written overflowing the field size. -> Please increase the field size.
12811.0 Not used.
12812.0 Not used.
12813.0 Not used.
12814.0 Shift [%1]: Invalid. Import command Please modify the description of the shift in GUI or modify the shift in the external data and import the data again.
12815.0 Not used.
12816.0 Property< %1 >: Invalid string < %2 > specified. Import command Please modify the string in the external data and import the data again.
12817.0 Table< %1 >: Rolled back. Import command No particular solutions.
12818.0 Project< %1 >: Failed to export. Export command, Synchronize command A more detailed message that identifies the DBIO object in which the error must have been output. Please refer to that message.
12819.0 A fatal error occurred during data import. Importing will be cancelled. Import command, Synchronize command A more detailed message that identifies the DBIO object in which the error must have been output. Please refer to that message.
12820.0 DBIO object< %1 >: Incorrect connection string. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Please modify the settings of the "Folder/database" field in the data I/O settings table.
12821.0 DBIO object< %1 >: Failed to open table or file. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges.
2) Opened a read-only file trying to export data to the file.
3) Tried to open the table duplicately.
12822.0 Unable to open files of extension < %1 >. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Only the files you can open with Asprova are those with extensions Ar4/Ar3/Ap2.
12823.0 Unable to open the field mapping window. Please check the message window for details. While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) Unable to connect to the database due to an error in the description of the "Folder/database" field in the data I/O settings table.
2) Unable to connect to the database due to an error in the tables in tables specified in the data I/O settings table.
3) There is an error in the description of the "Internal table name field in the data I/O settings table.
4) The field mapping window of the same DBIO is already open. -> Please edit data in that window.
12824.0 Discovered a loop in scheduling parameter < %1 >. Cut the link between scheduling parameters so as not to loop. While automatically converting master data A loop occurs in a composite parameter in the Ap2 file. Please respecify the parameter in Asprova Ver.9 and reload the data so that no loops occur.
12825.0 Incorrect internal table name specified for DBIO object. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Please specify the internal table name correctly in the data I/O settings table.
12826.0 Synchronize command doesn't exist. Synchronize command An unexpected error occurred. Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12827.0 Found %1 DBIO object(s) without type of data source specified. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Please specify the type of data source in the data I/O settings table.
12828.0 Failed to open external data source. [%1] Import command, Export command, Synchronize command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is an error in the "Folder/database" of the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog. Account privileges and password may also be causes of the error.
2) There is an error in tables in the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog.. * You cannot link a table with the name of "Order". Please use other string such as "Orders".
12829.0 Table< %1 >: Duplication detected. Will roll back. Export command This message is output only when the property "Export duplication check" of the data I/O settings is set to "Roll back". Please specify data and primary keys so that duplication will not occur and export the data again.
12830.0 Unable to determine internal table of DBIO object < %1 >. Please enter internal table name correctly. While operating the field mapping view Please correct the internal table name of the DBIO object in the data I/O settings.
12831.0 Unable to create folder to back up past orders: %1 While creating a backup of past data Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12832.0 Unable to back up and delete past orders because failed to export version information file. While creating a backup of past data Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12833.0 Unable to back up and delete past orders because failed to export table < %1 >. While creating a backup of past data Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12834.0 Please check the message window for details. Export command, Synchronize command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12835.0 Unable to continue because failed to specify field < %2 > value < %3 > of table < %1 >. Export command, Synchronize command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges.
2) The property type in Asprova and the field type in the external table do not match.
3) The data is tried to be written overflowing the field size. -> Please increase the field size.
12836.0 Found %1 DBIO object(s) without field mapping specified. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Please open the field mapping window from the Data I/O settings table and map one or more fields.
12837.0 Field mapping is not specified for DBIO object < %1 >. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command Please open the field mapping window from the Data I/O settings table and map one or more fields.
12838.0 Unable to open a temporary file < %1 >. The value specified in the Folder/Database property may be invalid. Export command, Synchronize command Since an unexpected error occurred, we would like to respond to this error individually. Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
12839.0 Found %1 text file(s): Unable to export because the file(s) is read-only. Export command, Synchronize command Please make the file(s) not read only or specify files that are not read only for file names in the data I/O settings table.
12840.0 Not used.
12841.0 Command error occurred. A reserved word(s) is used for DB field name or the user does not have sufficient privileges. \nYou can find the table in which the error occurred from the message window. \nPlease check the field name or user privileges. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is an error in the "Folder/database" field of the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog. Account privileges and password may also be causes of the error.
2) There is an error in tables in the data I/O settings table. -> Please specify correctly using the dialog.. * You cannot like a table with the name of "Order". Please use other string such as "Orders".
12842.0 Binary file saving failed: < %1 > Synchronize command, Evaluate schedule command The following reasons are possible.
1) The user does not have user privileges to create a file in that folder.
2) Tried to save data by overwriting a read-only file.
12843.0 Unable to read the tag < %1 >. XML import Please modify the tag of the XML file. Please describe property names in long names instead of short names. (Example: Short name - "LET", Long name - "Order_LET")
12844.0 The property < %1 > is read-only. XML import You cannot import the property because it is read-only. Will ignore the property and continue importing.
12845.0 WBSAlias is not specified or not found. XML import The following reasons are possible.
1) The WBSAlias tag does not exist.
2) The string specified for the WBSAlias tag is incorrect ("SchedulingCommand" only as of Ver.3.3.0.)
12846.0 A fatal error found during XML import. A problem exists in the XML format. XML import The following reasons are possible.
1) End of the tag is omitted.
2) Reserved words (such as <,>) of the XML file are improperly used.
3) Encoding of the text file is incorrect.
12847.0 Error code: 0x%X\n%s \n(Please notify this error code when you contact your local distributor or Asprova support center. Import command, Export command, Synchronize command When you contact your local distributor or Asprova support center, please notify the error code.
12848.0 Failed to read property < %1 >: %2 XML import Failed to read property values of the XML file. Please modify and import the data again.
12849.0 Will not create < %2 > object because unable to find class definition < %1 >. XML import The class definition of the string in the <Object_ClassDef> tag in which the XML is described is not found. Please modify and import the data again.
12850.0 Unable to add objects of class < %2 > to property < %1 >. XML import An object of an impossible class is tried to be added as OwnedObject. For example, adding an order as a child of a scheduling parameter command. Please modify the description and import the data again.
12851.0 Found %1 DBIO objects for which the result of the import filter expression is not boolean. Will not import objects that do not have boolean results. Import command, Synchronize command Please respecify the expression specified in the property "Import filter expression" in the data I/O settings table so that the expression will return boolean results.
12852.0 Found %1 DBIO objects for which the result of the export filter expression is not boolean. Will not export objects that do not have boolean results. Export command, Synchronize command Please respecify the expression specified in the property "Export filter expression" in the data I/O settings table so that the expression will return boolean results.
13057.0 Property< %1 >: Copy failed. While pasting from the clipboard in the Integrated Master window When you contact your local distributor or Asprova support center, please notify the error code.
13058.0 This expression cannot be edited with the Expression editor. Please type the expression in-place. When trying to open a relative time dialog The expression is specified in a form that is not supported by the relative time dialog. To fix the problem, first please enter a normal time expression such as "#2003/06/05 00:00:00#" in other time-type property such as "Scheduling basis time" in the project settings and then copy and paste the time expression to the target property.
13059.0 Unable to access clipboard contents. While copying and pasting in the Integrated Master window When you contact your local distributor or Asprova support center, please notify the error code.
13060.0 Unable to delete record. Reference by other record(s) found. While operating the Integrated Master window Please delete operations that refer to the master instruction and redo the operation.
13061.0 Not used.
13062.0 An error occurred while gathering information for drawing connection lines on the Gantt chart. If this problem persists, please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. While drawing a Gantt chart Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13063.0 An error occurred while drawing connection lines on the Gantt chart. If this problem persists, please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. While drawing a Gantt chart Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13064.0 An error occurred while drawing selected objects on the Gantt chart. If this problem persists, please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. While drawing a Gantt chart Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13065.0 An error occurred while drawing on the Gantt chart. If this problem persists, please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. While drawing a Gantt chart Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13066.0 Unable to specify a task selector for master input instructions or master output instructions. While operating the Integrated Master window No particular solutions.
13067.0 Unable to change master instruction item already referred to by operation(s). While operating the Integrated Master window Please delete the operations that refer to the master instruction and redo the operation.
13068.0 Not used.
13069.0 Unable to move master instruction already referred to by operation(s). While operating Please delete the operations that refer to the master instruction and redo the operation.
13070.0 Unable to delete process selector of master instruction already referred to by operation(s). Please delete the operations that refer to the master instruction and redo the operation.
13071.0 Unable to modify the value of property < %2 > of < %1 > object to < %3 >. While operating GUI There is an error in the string. Please modify the string being careful of the property type and redo the operation.
13072.0 Window < %1 > - Row < %2 > - Column < %3 >: Unable to modify the value to < %4 >. While operating GUI There is an error in the string. Please modify the string being careful of the property type and redo the operation.
13073.0 Unable to delete instruction(s) < %2 > of master operation object < %1 >. While operating Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13074.0 Found master operations without process number specified. Stopped copying master data. While copying master data in the Integrated Master window using the feature to add a new item Please specify the process number and redo the operation in the Integrated Master window
13075.0 Unable to delete property < %2 > value of < %1 > object. While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) Tried to delete a read-only property. -> You cannot delete read-only properties.
2) Tried to delete a preset system object. -> You cannot delete preset system objects.
13076.0 An error occurred while moving an operation(s). Please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. \n\nNote: The mouse is temporarily disabled. To close this message box, press the Enter key. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13077.0 An error occurred while drawing a window. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13078.0 An error occurred while editing a cell. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13079.0 Object: \t%1 While operating GUI, While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13080.0 Property: \t%1 [%2] While operating GUI, While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13081.0 Class: \t%1 [%2] While operating GUI, While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13082.0 Window: \t\t%1 While operating GUI, While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13083.0 An error occurred while deleting a cell. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13084.0 An error occurred while setting an active object. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13085.0 An error occurred during update processing (Broadcast) after operation. Please notify your distributor or Asprova Corporation. While operating GUI, While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13086.0 "An error occurred when setting an active object. While operating GUI Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13313.0 Message limit exceeded, messages of ID< %1 > will not be displayed While loading a project, While executing a command You can specify the upper limit of the number of same messages in the property "Limit of number of same messages" in the Settings tab of the project class.
13314.0 Problem occurred on command object execution. Please solve the problem before executing or exclude the problematic command object and try again. While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13315.0 If problem persist, please contact your local support center. While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13316.0 Possible source of problem: While executing a command Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13317.0 Project data size has exceeded the limit of this license. While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI Please reduce the amount of data or contact your local distributor or Asprova support center for renewing the license of the data size.
13318.0 Data limit: %1 operations While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI Please reduce the amount of data or contact your local distributor or Asprova support center for renewing the license of the data size.
13319.0 Current data size: %1 operations While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI Please reduce the amount of data or contact your local distributor or Asprova support center for renewing the license of the data size.
13320.0 The current time is outside the valid period of this license or module. While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) The valid period of the protector or the license is expired. -> Did you input a magic number?
2) The valid period of the trial version is expired. -> You can not use the trial version any longer.
13321.0 Valid period: %1 - %2 While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) The valid period of the protector or the license is expired. -> Did you input a magic number?
2) The valid period of the trial version is expired. -> You can not use the trial version any longer.
13323.0 Current time: %1 While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) The valid period of the protector or the license is expired. -> Did you input a magic number?
2) The valid period of the trial version is expired. -> You can not use the trial version any longer.
13324.0 Data limit: %1 orders, %2 operations While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) The valid period of the protector or the license is expired. -> Did you input a magic number?
2) The valid period of the trial version is expired. -> You can not use the trial version any longer.
13325.0 Current data size: %1 orders, %2 operations While loading a project, While executing a command, While operating GUI The following reasons are possible.
1) The valid period of the protector or the license is expired. -> Did you input a magic number?
2) The valid period of the trial version is expired. -> You can not use the trial version any longer.
13326.0 Currently loading of multiple projects is not supported.\n\rPlease load additional projects in separate processes. When dragging and dropping an Ar3/Ar4 file Please start a new asprova.exe as in the message.
13327.0 This license or module will expire in %1 days. Please renew. While loading a project A warning of expiration of the license. Please enter a magic number or contact your local distributor or Asprova support center for the maintenance contract.
13328.0 Maintenance limit has already passed. Latest features partially unavailable. We recommend renewing the maintenance contract. While loading a project Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center if you would like to renew the maintenance contract.
13329.0 Maintenance limit will expire in %1 days. Additional new features will be unavailable. We recommend renewing the maintenance contract. While loading a project Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center if you would like to renew the maintenance contract.
13330.0 Maintenance limit: %1 While loading a project Please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center if you would like to renew the maintenance contract.
13331.0 Loaded a file saved by a later version (%1.%2.%3.%4) of Asprova than this one. \nSince the system may become unstable, \nwe recommend not saving this data but reinstalling the original Asprova module. While loading a project Asprova APS is forward compatible. (Downgrading is not supported.) Other than purposes such as demonstration, please do not downgrade when you use Asprova APS for actual operation.
13332.0 The feature < %1 > is a version < %2 > restricted feature. If you would like to use this feature, a maintenance contract is required. While executing a command, While operating GUI If you would like to conclude a maintenance contract, please contact your local distributor or Asprova support center.
13569.0 Found %1 empty group record(s). While importing, While operating GUI You can delete this item without affecting the schedule. You can also hold the item as it is.
13570.0 Order< %1 >: Process < %2 > specified in Next Lot property doesn't exist. While importing, While operating GUI Please check processes specified in the "Next orders" field of the order table.
13571.0 Found %1 order(s) with no quantity information. Quantity set to 1 by default. Explode orders command Please specify order quantity in the order table.
13572.0 Found %1 master use instruction(s) without master input instruction. Master record will be generated automatically. While importing Ver.9 data The BOM record from which to output the target item does not exist. Even if you continue the automatic master data conversion as it is, an error will not occur but there may be problems in the master data after conversion.
13573.0 Found a resource capacity record without a type information. Set to Main Resource (M) by default. While importing Ver.9 data Can ignore.
13574.0 Order< %1 >: Operation of last process doesn't exist. While importing Ver.9 data Since an operation of the last process is not found, the order needs to be exploded again.
13575.0 Input instruction< %1 >: No version specified. All input instructions (Ver.9 parts table records) need to have their version specified to use Asprova Ver.9's Simple Version feature. While importing Ver.9 data When you use the Simple Version, you always need to specify versions in master input instructions.
13576.0 Found %1 duplicated Ver.9 BOM record(s). Invalid flag set. While importing Ver.9 data Please remove the duplication in the parts table and reload the data.
13577.0 Found %1 use instruction(s) without resource information. While importing Ver.9 data Please specify the resources in the resource capacity table correctly and reload the data.
13578.0 Found %1 Ver9 inventory record(s) with invalid time (on or greater than the project start time). Not used.
13579.0 Found %1 resource capacity record(s) with type S. Converted to S0. While importing Ver.9 data No particular solutions.
13580.0 Found %1 resource capacity record(s) with type I. Converted to I0. While importing Ver.9 data No particular solutions.
13581.0 Found %1 order(s) for which operations of the processes specified in the operation results do not exist. While importing Ver.9 data Please modify the process codes in the operation table and reload the data.
13582.0 Found %1 resource capacity record(s) with capacity 0. While importing Ver.9 data Please specify capacity values in the resource capacity table and reload the data.
13583.0 Found %1 resource capacity record(s) with capacity unspecified. While importing Ver.9 data Please specify capacity values in the resource capacity table and reload the data.
13584.0 Found %1 empty resource group(s). While importing Ver.9 data You can delete this resource without affecting the schedule. You can also hold the resource as it is.
13585.0 Found %1 order(s) without item specified. Explode orders command Please specify an item in the order table.
13586.0 Found %1 Integrated master instruction record without code specified. While importing the Integrated Master table Please specify a correct string for the instruction code of the external Integrated Master table and reload the data.
13587.0 Found %1 inventory record(s) of absolute type with date on or later than project basis time. These records will be ignored. Explode orders command Please specify times earlier than the scheduling basis time as the LET of the inventory orders.
13588.0 Found %1 order(s) with invalid quantity. Explode orders command Please specify order quantity in the order table.
13589.0 Found %1 operations with invalid results time series. Please specify the time series in sorted order. Import command Please remove the results time series of the operation table or result table from the field mapping or specify a correct value and reload the data.
13590.0 Found %1 integrated master objects with no process code specified. While importing the Integrated Master table Please correct the process code in the external Integrated Master table and reload the data.
13591.0 Found %1 integrated master objects with identical process numbers but different process codes. Will ignore the process codes found later. While importing the Integrated Master table Please correct the process number and process code in the external Integrated Master table and reload the data.
13592.0 Found %1 output instructions during master conversion. The properties in these output instructions will be ignored. While automatically converting master data Can ignore.
13593.0 Found %1 items with multiple master operations during master conversion. Will ignore all but the first master operation. While automatically converting master data Can ignore.
13594.0 Found %1 items whose low level code could not be determined due to a loop in master settings. Explode orders command Please remove the loop in the Integrated Master window.
13595.0 Unassigned operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) The property "Passed assignment start time" or "Passed assignment end time" of the scheduling parameter settings is set to "Unassign".
2) The "Disabled flag" of the order table is set to "Yes".
3) The operations have not been the target for scheduling because of the filter settings of the scheduling parameter.
13596.0 LET violation operations: %1 Not used.
13597.0 EST violation operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
2) An EST violation already occurred for reasons such as an ESTthat is later than the assignment end time is specified in the order table.
13598.0 LET violation operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
2) A LET violation already occurred for reasons such as a LET that is earlier than the assignment start time is specified in the order table.
13599.0 Operations assigned to Dummy Resource: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no valid master data.
2) The property "Strictly enforce next resource constraints" of the scheduling parameter is set and there are no resources that satisfy the next resource constraints.
3) The property "Enable inventory constraints of the scheduling parameter is set and inventory constraints were violated.
13600.0 Insufficient input qty (sales orders): %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) Orders from which the item is output are insufficient.
-> Don't you forget to set the Auto-replenish flag?
2) Orders that satisfy the pegging condition specified in the item table are insufficient.
13601.0 Insufficient input qty (input instructions): %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) Orders from which the item is output are insufficient.
-> Don't you forget to set the Auto-replenish flag?
2) Orders that satisfy the pegging condition specified in the item table are insufficient.
13602.0 Late sales orders: %1 (%2 %) Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
2) A LET violation already occurred for reasons such as a LET that is earlier than the assignment start time is specified in the order table.
13603.0 Late manufacturing orders: %1 (%2 %) Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
2) A LET violation already occurred for reasons such as a LET that is earlier than the assignment start time is specified in the order table.
13604.0 Forcibly assigned operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
2) Due to changeover settings in the item setup table, etc., operations for which the setup time cannot be postponed occurred. (Please refer to the section "Changeover 1" (Help No. 8000100) of the Asprova APS help file.)
13605.0 Not used.
13606.0 Found %1 order(s) for which resources specified in operation results of the orders do not exist in the resource table. While importing Ver.9 data Please add the resource to the resource table or delete the reported main resource and reload the data.
13607.0 Found %1 operation(s) for which the master data has been deleted. Will unassign the operation(s). Import command This message is output when reassigning operation(s) for which the master data is lost during import while the property "Import" of the DBIO object is set to "Yes (forced refresh)". There are no particular solutions. You can reschedule to reassign or delete the operation(s).
13608.0 Found %1 use instruction(s) for which the current resource is not specified when assigning result/frozen operations. Will use the first resource registered in the master data. Assign privileged operations command When assigning operations of which the status is "Frozen", "Started", "Completed", the operations will be assigned to the resources to which they were assigned in the previous scheduling. However, if the last assigned resources are not found for reasons such as operations were assigned to dummy resources, the master data will be checked and the operations will be assigned to the resources that are found first. By registering a resource to the reported main resource, the resource can be selected.
13609.0 Found %1 operation(s)/task(s) of which the reported start time and the reported end time are the same. Will assign the operation(s)/task(s) moving the reported start time one second earlier. Assign privileged operations command Since the production time cannot be assigned as zero second, it will forcibly be 1 second.
13610.0 Found %1 event condition(s) for which a resource group is specified. Adjustment command You cannot specify a resource group for a resource of an event condition. Please create event conditions as many as the number of resources.
13611.0 Found %1 item(s) of which the master data has incompleteness. While importing the Integrated Master table Incomplete records as master data such as those without process codes are included in the imported Integrated Master. Please modify the records and import the data again.
13612.0 Found %1 integrated master objects with identical process codes but different process numbers. Will ignore the process numbers found earlier. While importing the Integrated Master table Please modify the process number or process code in the external Integrated Master and import the data again.
13613.0 Found %1 master instruction(s) without item specified. While importing the Integrated Master table Please add the item to the item table or specify to auto-generate and import the data again.
13614.0 Time constraint MAX violation operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.
13615.0 Found %1 operation(s) of which the resource specified as a reported main resource does not match the one in the master data. Will ignore the reported main resource. Assign privileged operations command Please check the master data.
13616.0 Found %1 operation(s) among operations with results specified that was judged as unneeded during order explosion. Please delete this operation or check whether the master data is correct. Explode orders command Please delete the operation(s) or check whether there is no error in the master data. You can delete the operation(s) through GUI or import.
13825.0 Auto-generated object: < %1 > Import command, While operating GUI No particular solutions.
13826.0 Table [%1] - Record [%2]: Duplication detected. Not used.
13827.0 Not used.
13828.0 Not used.
13829.0 Not used.
13830.0 %1 %2 object(s) auto-generated. Import command No particular solutions.
13831.0 While differential export is specified in DBIO< %1 >,\n"Clear table before export" is set to "Yes".\nExporting as it is may result in loss of data.\nClear external table anyway and export?\n\nSelecting "Yes" clears external table and then exports.\nSelecting "No" changes the "Clear table before export" setting to "No" \nand executes differential export. Export command No particular solutions.
13832.0 Table < %1 >: Since all records will be saved, saving may fail if you do not clear the external table before exporting.\nUnless there is important data store in the external table, we recommend clearing it.\nClear external table?\n(Selecting ""Yes"" changes the ""Clear table before export"" setting to clear the table automatically after this.) Export command No particular solutions.
13833.0 Found %2 duplicate objects of class < %1 > in external data. Will use only the first object found. Import command, Synchronize command Will continue importing as it is but if the records should not duplicate in the external table, please check the external table and delete as needed.
13834.0 %1 object(s) were unable to be deleted because they are currently used by operations. Import command, Synchronize command When the status flag is set to "Deleted" or refresh import is performed, you cannot delete master data referred to by operations. Please delete the operations or select "forced refresh" and import the data again..
13835.0 Found %1 internal objects with internal modified flag of <Added> but for which a mergible external record exists. Not used.
13836.0 Found %1 DBIO objects for which a primary key needs to be specified. These objects will not be merged with internal objects. Import command, Synchronize command You need to specify primary keys for tables to import other than the result table. Please specify primary keys and import the data again.
13837.0 Tried to delete or update record < %2 > not found in external data source < %1 >. Export command, Synchronize command No particular solutions.
13838.0 Table < %1 >: Duplication detected. Export command This message is output only when the property "Export duplication check" of the data I/O settings is set to "Output message". If you want to avoid duplication, please specify the data and primary key so that duplication will not occur.
13839.0 Found %1 DBIO objects for which duplication should be checked but a primary key is not specified. Export command This message is output only when the property "Export duplication check" of the data I/O settings is set to "Roll back". If you want to avoid duplication, please specify the data and primary key so that duplication will not occur.
13840.0 Found %1 object(s) marked for deletion in an undeletable table (operation/task/input instruction/output instruction/use instruction/peg/event counter). Import command No particular solutions.
13841.0 To export deleted objects, perform the export before changing primary keys. While operating the field mapping window No particular solutions.
13842.0 Feature to export deleted objects will be valid from the next export (Not exported during this export). Export command No particular solutions.
13843.0 Found %1 DBIO object(s) for which differential data I/O is set using the property "Export" but primary key is unspecified. Export command You need to specify primary key when exporting data in differential mode.
13844.0 Found %2 duplicate objects of class < %1 > in internal data. Will merge only with the first object found. Import command, Synchronize command If you allow duplication, you can ignore the message. If not, specify primary key to make the object unique or use existing primary key and change the data to make the object unique.
13845.0 Time constraint violation operations: %1 Evaluate schedule command, Report command The following reasons are possible.
1) There is no leeway in working time.

Hilfe Nummer: 8999500